9 июл. 2013 г.

А воз и ныне там

Цитата из одного компьютерного текста 1985 года:
It is virtually a cliche to say there is a software crisis. (...) The symptoms appear in the form of software that is nonresponsive to user needs, unreliable, excessively expensive, untimely, inflexible, difficult to maintain, and not reusable There are many ways to improve things a little and they are being tried. But to achieve a fundamental jump in our programming capacity, we need to rethink what we are doing from the beginning.
Тридцать лет прошло, а все сказанное, слово в слово, применимо к любой современной ERP системе.

Интересно, что примеры запросов к БД в указанной работе написаны на языке Quel:

range of E,M is employee
range of D is dept
retrieve (E.name)
where E. salary > M. salary
and E. manager = M.name
and E.dept = D.dept
and D. floor = 1
and E.age > 40
Очевидно SQL в 1985 г. еще не стал всеобщим стандартом.

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